If you want to make a list in HTML you can do so by useing HTML lists there are mainly three types of lists ul-unordered List ol-ordered List dl-discription list all list have list items which are written as li inside list tags in ordered list list items are numbered

  1. List
  2. Examples
unordered list list items are pointed out by bullet points
  • List
  • Examples
discription list has description term(dt) and description defination(dd)

These are some examples of tags used in list frequently

List Tags:
<ul> unordered list
<ol> ordered list
<li> list item
<dl> description list
<dt> description term
<dd> description defination

There are not many attributes used with lists some common attributes that are used with lists are type="$",class=".",id="#",style="@", lists are block elements.


Tables tags are used in HTML to create Tables when CSS was not that much in use then early developer used tables to make simple website desgine and layout tables are very versatile and can be used in many ways some example of table tags and attributes are as follows

Table Tags:
<table> Creates a table.
<thead> cointainer for table heading
<tbody> cointainer for table data
<tr> table row
<th> table heading
<td> table data
<caption> table caption eg:look at the heading on tables of this page
<tfoot> Groups the footer content in a table.
<col> to put multiple column in a single row
<colgroup> Groups columns for styling.

Attributes used with table tags

Attributes for Tables
colspan Specifies the number of columns a cell should span.
rowspan Specifies the number of rows a cell should span.
headers Associates a cell with header cells for accessibility.


HTML forms are used to collect user input and send it to a server for processing. Forms are created using the <form> element, and various form controls like text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, and submit buttons allow users to input data.

Form Tags
<form> Creates a form for user input.
<input> Defines an input field.
<textarea> Defines a multi-line text input.
<button> Defines a clickable button.
<select> Creates a dropdown list.
<option> Defines an option in a dropdown list.
<lable> Labels an input element.
<fieldset> Groups related elements in a form.
<legend> Defines a title for a <fieldset>.
<datalist> Provides autocomplete options for an <input>.
<output> Displays the result of a calculation.

There are also some attributes used with form tags some of them are

Attributes for Forms
action Specifies the URL to send the form data to.
method Defines the HTTP method to use (GET or POST).
enctype Specifies how form data should be encoded (application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, etc.).
autocomplete Enables or disables autocomplete for form fields (on or off).
novalidate Disables form validation.

Again there are many other attributes but these are some important ones.